Frequently Asked Question's
Yes, Custom software allows you to work around the business rules that makes sense to you. Rather than adjusting your business rules to the software tools, work with tools that match your business.
Bitplex offers ongoing support and maintenance contracts for all software that we build. Our success is dependent on your success, and we are dedicated to seeing that happen.
Bitplex offers ongoing support and maintenance contracts for all software that we build. Our success is dependent on your success, and we are dedicated to seeing that happen.
The best analogy for this is:, If you wanted to get a house built you will first need an architect to design the house. The same goes with software., First you need to undertake an analysis of your business needs for your software. We can offer you this service.
Software is always built-in iterations that require you, the customer, to test and give feedback along the way. The most successful projects have a project lead within the client’s business that can be actively involved in the journey.
This is always negotiated at the contract stage. At a minimum, you will receive a perpetual licence for life to use the software. If you want to own the Intellectual property and become a software owner this can be negotiated.
Nearly all custom software in today’s era is built to run on the cloud and through the internet, however we can still build server run desktop software if that is what you require.
Yes, it can, there is often extra investment required to make the software work well on both mobile devices and desktops due to the different screen sizes. As well as browser-based apps that can be viewed on any device, we can also build ‘native’ mobile apps built especially for Apple and Android mobile or tablet devices, taking advantage of cameras and other features not available to a browser-based app.
There are many determining factors in this answer and it is different for every project. However, some factors are budget, the complexity of the project and resource availability.
We always recommend that you designate 1 person to be the software champion in your business, we normally train that person and they onforward the training to other staff. If you require more intensive training for your team, we can help you.
When you can have tasks automated to work with your business rules it frees up your staff to work on other and more important parts of your business. This saves them time and as a flow on effect, money.
The quickest way to simplify the process is to have one person who becomes the project champion within your business. The more they can make decisions and the quicker they can respond to questions and testing will speed up the project.
Software integrations are where one software automatically talks to another, allowing data to be transferred from one platform to another.
You will never need to replace all your current software., There is no need to replace something that is not broken. For example, if you are using xero then it is possible to have data going to Xero automatically, saving on duplication of data entry.